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Swiss Guard - Tangerine


Basslets pigmei
Swiss Guard - Tangerine
Liopropoma swalesi
Luogo d'origine: 
Pacifico occidentale
Western Pacific. Known from a few localities in Indonesia, Rabaul, New Britain and Philippines. Occurs on coastal inner-reef slopes in rich coral growth at depths of about 25m. Identified by the orange stripes and large white-edged black ocelli on the dorsal and anal fins. A small species, length to about 50mm.

Basslets are small, tropical, and often colourful percoid fishes found on reefs. Most of these fishes feed on small swimming or crawling prey, usually remain small when fully grown, and often are exceptionally colourful. However, a few grow to medium size and some related species living in cool waters can reach about 50cm in length. The smaller, and usually the more colourful species are ideal candidates for the reef-aquarium that supports living corals or other various invertebrates.

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